At Japan’s Café Little Zoo you can sip coffee with iguanas, falcons and snakes

At Japan’s Café Little Zoo you can sip coffee with iguanas, falcons and snakes
Ahhhh….Tokyo, the city of many cute little pet cafés, each filled with adorable animals waiting patiently for you to pet away your urban stress. Such pet therapy is common in rapid-pace Tokyo and other cities of Japan. Many apartment regulations have strict policies against pet ownership so the idea of having a drink while you sit back and cuddle a fur baby of sorts has become extremely appealing and comforting amongst the animal-loving set.
If you’ve been there and done that with Japan’s cat, bunny and owl cafes, it is time to raise the stakes and pop by Café Little Zoo in Narashino, a suburb in Chiba Prefecture just outside of Tokyo. As the name implies, you are a little more spoilt for choice here. Inside, you can simply outstare their resident iguana and get up close and personal with their trained falcons too. If you are really in the mood, a handful of snakes can be yours to play and wriggle with, although yours truly will most likely run for the hills.



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