Sleep on your right side and in complete darkness if you want to wake up happy

Sleep on your right side and in complete darkness if you want to wake up happy
Turkish researchers have found that people who tend to sleep on their right side have mellower dreams filled with relief, joy, peace and love. They also wake up better rested and less dysfunctional during their waking hours. Although we are not privy to the dreams of those who sleep on their left, medical studies have indicated this isn’t a good position to snooze in as it tends to add physical stress and pressure to our heart.
Other researchers who care deeply for our happiness have observed that merely four weeks of sleeping in the presence of night lights, streetlights, a TV or computer screen will lead to an unfortunate suppression of our feel-good hormone melatonin, thus making one feel moody and despondent. Thankfully, these depressive symptoms seem to vanish as quickly as they come after two weeks of pitch-dark slumber.

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