Take my money: a Darth Vader samurai figure by Bandai

Take my money: a Darth Vader samurai figure by Bandai
In a movie theater far, far away, there was a young director named George Lucas who went to see Akira Kurosawa’s ‘Seven Samurai’ and instantly fell in love with the concept of warriors and sword fighting. So he went and made a movie about space samurais called ‘Star Wars’.
Recently, Bandai paid tribute to the trilogy’s roots by debuting a Samurai Darth Vader at the Tokyo Toy Show. Called ‘Movie Realization Samurai General Darth Vader”, the figurine stands at 7.8 inches and comes in full armor with matching light saber katana. Designed by Takayuki Takeya, it’ll be available for purchase late this year. No price has been mentioned yet, but you can bet acquiring the Supreme Commander/ Samurai Master will set you back quite a bit.

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