This infographic will let know just how deep the ocean actually is, and much more besides

This infographic will let know just how deep the ocean actually is, and much more besides
The Mariana Trench, the deepest place below sea level, inspiration for James Cameron and the final frontier on this planet. It’s over 2,000 metres deeper than Everest is tall, and five times the length of the Grand Canyon. The pressure on the seabed at the bottom is the equivalent of having 50 jumbo jets piled on top of you. Perhaps now you can see how humanity has had some difficulties getting down there.
But get down there they have, managing to visit the Challenger Deep which is the very deepest point in the Mariana Trench.
Check out this informative comic, letting us visualise all sorts of interesting facts about the scale, depth and formation of the trench in relation to other maritime phenomenon. For instance, did you know that the Deepwater Horizon (the rig responsible for the catastrophic BP oil spill) was drilling at 12,000m down. That’s below Challenger Deep! Our personal favourite is the stick figures of David Bowie and Freddie Mercury ‘Under Pressure’, or perhaps the sublabel of “it’s rude to stare" underneath “the abyss" which is a reference to Nietzsche’s quote: “when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back."
Check out the hi-res image here.

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