The Universe is big and you’re small but this animation should reassure you

The Universe is big and you’re small but this animation should reassure you
It’s very easy to feel tiny and insignificant when you consider not only the immense mind-boggling size of the universe, but also the unfathomably long time that it’s been around for. You, me and everybody else are inconsequential specks on the vast plain of existence.
But then again, you don’t have to think like that. It’s not all bad, you’re connected to larger forces in the universe than you imagined. Science website Kurzegesagt have released this optomistic animation, a short video that reassuringly and expertly all that things that make you part of something larger.
For instance, while humans have only roamed the face of the earth for an absurdly small fraction of it’s life span, we are directly descended from the first lifeforms that popped into existence about 3.8 billion years ago. The DNA that can be found in every one of our 50 trillion cells is closely related to the DNA in the cells of every other living thing that ever was. Furthermore, if you unravelled all the DNA in your body, you could piece it together to make a string that stretched to Pluto and back. Now THAT’S big!
Check out Kurzegesag’s YouTube Channel to learn more about these comforting thoughts and many more besides. Science is fun, even when it involves accepting that we could be wiped out by an asteroid at any second.

The Universe is big and you're small but this animation should reassure you

The Universe is big and you're small but this animation should reassure you

The Universe is big and you're small but this animation should reassure you

The Universe is big and you're small but this animation should reassure you

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