200 gram hamster drives 15 tonne truck in new Volvo advert

200 gram hamster drives 15 tonne truck in new Volvo advert
The Internet is full of many strange and wonderful things, a breeding ground for the weird and whacky. This is perfectly summed up by a video that we recently stumbled across. Swedish car manufacturer Volvo has developed a new dynamic steering mechanism, the advert for which has gone viral. The steering works by replacing the driver’s arm-power with an electric motor, making even multi-tonne trucks a breeze to drive, but this is not what has drawn the attention of millions around the world.
What’s so astounding is that, in order to demonstrate how easy the steering is to use, Volvo decided to let a hamster take the wheel. That’s right, Charlie the hamster managed to steer a 15-tonne Volvo FMX truck from the bottom of a narrow quarry road in north-west spain to the top. Specially trained for weeks, Charlie was placed inside a custom hamster wheel installed over the steering. Professional stunt driver Sean Rogers was in the driving seat with the bemusing job of guiding the hamster this way and that… with a carrot.
There’s not too much to say frankly, it’s best if you watch the video yourself and soak up the awesome randomness of Volvo’s genius advertising. We can also confirm that, upon finishing his drive, Charlie received the carrot in full.


Charlie the hamster drives a 15-tonne Volvo truck up from the bottom of a quarry

Charlie the hamster with stunt driver Sean Rogers

Charlie the hamster drives a 15-tonne Volvo truck up from the bottom of a quarry

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