Toronto’s neighborhood watch is composed of Bruce Willis, The Hulk, and other superheroes

Toronto’s neighborhood watch is composed of Bruce Willis, The Hulk, and other superheroes
Shut up, crime! Toronto’s neighborhoods have new sheriffs in town, and they go by the names of Iron Man, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, and Astro Boy, to name a few. Artist Andrew Lamb (not his real name to protect his identity) gave the city’s ‘Neighborhood Watch’ placards a bit of an upgrade, by placing the photos of well-known do-gooders in pop culture.
He assigns (get it? assign?) one unique character for each neighborhood, often applying the photos in broad daylight.
‘I walked by and thought those signs would be much better with a superhero up there’, he tells CBC. ‘The first one was a splash page — a common thing in comic books, a bunch of superheros popping out at you. Then came Batman and Robin, RoboCop, Beverly Hills Cop, and then it snowballed’.
So far, he’s only received two complaints, with the rest of the feedback encouraging him to continue the project. ‘What I’m doing is technically illegal, but I don’t feel it’s ethically or morally wrong’, he says. ‘So there might be a fine some day but I kind of feel like that’s money well spent. I’m not that worried about it’.
You can check out more of his cool street art on Instagram.

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