From the ‘you can’t script it’ category comes this somewhat bizarre story about a pending legal entanglement between a clever monkey, a photographer, and Wikipedia. It all started back in 2011 when nature photographer David Slater had his equipment, erm, borrowed by a rather forthright primate who proceeded to take hundreds of selfies, including the ubiqitious one above which has since been adopted by Wikipedia in its Wikimedia Commons collection.
Slater requested they remove the image only to be advised by Wikipedia that they wouldn’t as it was technically the monkey who pushed the button on the camera to take the photo, not the David Slater himself. ‘But it was his camera, sir?’ Nope, according to Wikipedia, the copyright is legally held by the monkey, who, strangely enough, hasn’t had much to say about the proceedings.
Now the UK’s Telegraph are reporting that it’ll cost Slater an estimated £10,000 in legal fees to take the matter to court. All the while, Wikipedia remain unrepentant. Talk about taking the monkey!
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