Check out this concept for a skyscraper that grows taller as its inhabitants recycle

Check out this concept for a skyscraper that grows taller as its inhabitants recycle
Designed by architect Thomas Corbasson, this organic skyscraper is pure genius. Inspired by the use of bamboo scaffolding in the far east, the building incorporates a permanent scaffold all the way through it’s frame, allowing it to be in a continual state if growth while also including an unusual. As it’s occupants discard paper, glass and recyclable plastics they are transported to the highest platform where there is a recycling plant. This cuts down on transport costs by having the means of creating building materials at the very site itself.
The scaffolding would be hollow in imitation of bamboo and to decrease in weight and wind load as well as being cut to a uniform size to allow workers to easily construct the framework. Intended for the bustling centre of London, this awesome concept skyscraper would certainly be a interesting addition to the city’s skyline. The project received a special mention at the Skyscraper and Superskycraper Awards this year for it’s innovative design.

Concept organic skycraper

Concept organic skycraper

Concept organic skycraper

Concept organic skycraper

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