Munch on these anatomical life-size chocolate skulls, why not?

Munch on these anatomical life-size chocolate skulls, why not?
Wow, looks like we’ll have to summon a whole lot of guts to eat these chocolate skulls by Manchester-based Etsy sellerBlackChocolateCo: not only are they anatomically accurate and true to life-size, they are also hand cast from a mould of an actual human skull. Uh huh, that’s credibility.
Each skull is handmade from 1.5 kg of Belgian chocolate and artfully finished with a dusting of fine cocoa powder, and we love that you get to pick from dark chocolate, chili chocolate, caramel chocolate or milk chocolate. Plus, if you’re good at resisting temptation, you can take the opportunity to terrifly your pals by displaying your skull at home for a good six months before eating it. Double the fun!

Chocolate skulls

Chocolate skulls (2)

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