What is the world coming to when people must resort to a shower head for a life-partner

What is the world coming to when people must resort to a shower head for a life-partner
It is our pleasure to bring what might well be the weirdest thing on the internet to date. Whether we all care to admit it, we’re all looking for love and some of us are more fortunate than others. Nowadays romantic hopefuls have an endless tide of dating sites, from Tinder to singlemuslim.com, to help them on their way. You’d think that our modern age of instant communications and the emphasis on match-making would be enough to prevent people resorting to anything… you know… weird.
You would be wrong.
One Imgur-ian apparently reached the end of his patience with the world of dating and decided to take matters into his own hands. This resourceful young fellow looked around his apartment and his eyes fixed on the most sensual and romantic object within reach… his shower head.
What followed was an unspeakably creepy transformation from shower head to perpetually vomiting girlfriend. Scroll down to see the images at your own risk, it might be advisable to have a hefty hammer nearby in case you need to quickly smash your computer screen.

DIY girlfriend made from shower head

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DIY girlfriend made from shower head

DIY girlfriend made from shower head

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