15 web design blogs designers should read

As web designers, keeping up to date with the latest technologies and techniques is merely a human task. To get as close as possible to knowing all you must without getting burnt out, following web design blogs is a good way. The blogs selected in this post are the ones you must know about.

1. Codrops

If you look for cutting-edge web design techniques, Codrops is the place to go. With advanced tutorials and in-depth articles, they probably host the best blog to stay up-to-date with advanced web design.

2. CSS Tricks

Chris Coyer, the main author of CSS Tricks, is a true CSS wizard. He often shares his experiments on the blog, and there is a lot to learn from that man.

3. A List Apart

A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices.

4. Web Designer Depot

Web Designer Depot is one of the best web design blogs for anyone looking for resources and web design news.

5. Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is probably the most read blog about web design. The blog’s team writes daily articles that will keep you in the loop with all web design techniques and resources.

6. DesignModo

DesignModo blogs about web design in general, with a strong focus on designing for mobile.

7. MonsterPost

MonsterPost is TemplateMonster’s blog. It has tons of resources, inspiration or articles. As well as selling themes and templates for WordPress and Joomla, they also regularly blog about them.

8. David Walsh blog

David Walsh’s blog has often been saving my web designs with great tips and techniques, a must-follow.

9. Vandelay Design blog

Vandelay Design blog has been around for years, giving great advice about web design in general, e-commerce and freelancing in particular.

10. 24 Ways

24 Ways is not your average blog. They only publish 24 articles a year in December, just like an advent calendar. The articles are always high-quality, so it’s well worth subscribing.

11. Awwwards

Notorious for their web design awards, the Awwwards team also manages to publish a blog with great inspiration and interviews of top web designers.

12. Web Design Ledger

Resources. Resources everywhere. Web Design Ledger is your go-to site for any freeby you can find on the Internet.

13. Dropshado.ws

Dropshado.ws is one of these web design blogs that will teach you new techniques, snippet by snippet.

14. Online behavior

If you are a do-it-all web designer, you’ll be happy to learn more about web analytics on Online Behavior.

15. Content Verve

Another blog that doesn’t target web designers only, but that will be of interest for them. Content Verve blogs about copywriting and content in general.
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1 Response to "15 web design blogs designers should read"

  1. This is really a comprehensive list of web design blogs - really helpful for newbies or industry pros looking for updated info.
